Tuesday, August 15, 2017


We hope you enjoyed your trip flying along with Boca and Bubs this summer.  Celebrating 41 years of marriage which demands the 3 C's- commitment, courage and communication and you thought Boca was going to say cut, clarity and carats- well that's not bad either.  In the eyes of the world, Bubs is solid as a rock, dependable, a good friend to many and the back bone of our family, while Boca  makes plans, organizes, nudges and pretty much can be a PITA.  We traveled intensely, noting there were times when we pecked on each other....

And times when one of us would grandstand.

And sometimes we had to hash it out- you know the big issues...it's too cold in here, it's too hot in here, I need to get in there, stop leaving a mess in the bathroom, let's eat here, no lets eat there, don't buy any more stuff we have to drag around,  I'll pass on the tea time, why do we have to have dinner with the captain,  why in the hell did we come to Italy in this heat!,  you forgot your hearing aids again!,  quit your bitching,  why don't you go to up to the gym,  you need to get some clothes that are of this era,  you didn't wear 1/2 of the clothes you brought,  where are the passports?,  some of these people are really strange,  you used all the hair spray, where did you put the tooth paste, stop using my deodorant.....

And sometimes it got intense....

We enjoyed some insights, gained some minor revelations-reminding us travel can be truly transformational.

We leave you with a suggestion to get out there and enjoy the world.  One of our favorite travel authors, "Paul Theroux", does a superb job of describing the world of travel (our fav book is his Dark Star Safari).  It was amazing to see so many people from around the globe traveling the world these days-with cheap plane tickets available, inexpensive places to stay and a strong dollar (amen!)- a well planned trip can be a reality for most folks.  And as Bubs would like to remind you, "there's a whole lotta fabulous places to travel to in the USA".

All of which, another anniversary, underscores the rare gift of true commitment...now about that upcoming road trip in a couple of weeks Bubs....

Until our next trip together.
Boca and  Bubba

Leo Babauta puts it nicely, over at Lifehacker: "How to find your life's purpose? Escape your bubble."

Sunday, August 13, 2017


As Papou would say "the party is over."  Flew Icelandic Air-and may I add what a great airport Reykjavik has- plenty of security folks at the security checkpoints so the lines of what felt like gazillions moved quickly.  Making the $160 cab ride to the airport worth it. Boca especially liked being "chosen" to have a special screening and shake down in the "security room".  Boca?  Yes Mrs. Boca, your country asks that we do this for at least 25 people off of every flight- besides we heard about your socks and wanted to make sure they were leaving the country with you".  It's been a hell of a 2 month vacay.  Do you think  Boca and Bubs bit off a little too much squeezing in places to see, go and do for some summer fun?

Our "Florida Cracker" Bubba, is so happy to be home and looking forward to sleeping in his own bed.  Pleep is jazzed about floating in his own pool.  Coining his own hashtag,  #theresnoplacelikehome.

And Boca was reminded....

Reflections on the trip after a good nights sleep.  G'night dear friends- are you as exhausted as Boca?

and sent in by Peggy:
Tourism Saved Iceland, but Now It’s a Headache for the Island Nation

Friday, August 11, 2017



This is the most popular day tour in Iceland and for good reason- we were able to see some amazing natural and historical wonders of Iceland.  Yeah, Boca and Bubba and everyone else thought the same thing...the crowds were obviously international with the majority being Asian- less Japanese and more Chinese these days.

Pingvalla is a historical and geological marvel- it is situated right where the tectonic plates separate, the rift between continents is clearly visible in the dramatic cliffs on either side of the valley.

And you brought your baby because??

This place makes for stunning landscapes, with cascading waterfalls, majestic cliffs and fissures (Pleep loves that word)...and lots of blue clear water.  Who doesn't fall for the Icelandic water back home?

Where in the heck is Pleep?

Come on Bubs- it's a glorious sunny day and I am still celebrating surviving the Ice Glacier.

Alrighty then, let's head down to the Gulfoss water falls.

This way Boca.

Wait up for me Bubs!  Boca is right behind you.  Still recouping from the Glacier madness and moving a bit slow this morning.

Pingvellier is also historically important.  For rock collections?

The name translates to Parliament Fields and for centuries, it was the meeting place of the Icelandic parliament founded in 930.  Some of the biggest decisions in Icelandic history were made at Pingvellir. It was here that the Icelandic chieftains decided that Icelanders would convert to Christianity, it was where they decided to give up their independence in 1262 and where they declared independence from Denmark seven centuries later, in 1944.

Yes yes!  Another church!

Here come the busloads of Chinese tourists.  Unlike Boca, they are dressed appropriately and in darn good shape- impressive up and down  and running around the venues- is it the tai-chi?

What do you mean you can't find Pleep?

The Gullfoss waterfall is a magnificent reminder of the awe-inspiring power of nature, with a huge amount of water thundering down into a jagged canyon.  The state of Iceland acquired the waterfall in 1940 and it has been on the state preservation list since 1979.  Good job.

Boca loves the noise...and watching the tourists.

No, lady, I have a boyfriend and am not interested in meeting your son.

See us?   Down there on the ledge- very free and open- so if you want to slip or jump- easy access.

I found Pleep!  He's playing around with the Chinese kids.  Says he wants egg rolls for lunch.

Next stop the restaurant- gift shop and as you can see in an expansion mode.  The place was mobbed.

You enjoying your $20 bowl of soup Bubs?


Time for a little gift shop shopping....this would be good for our winter trip to Siberia Bubs.

Not your color.

Yeah, that's the ticket.  Swamp Fox!

$69 for a knit hat.

Oh so Bubba.

Good point.

Are ya for real!!

$578 for a wind breaker!  No lining.  The Asians were buying like crazy while the US folks were buying kitchen magnets and postcards.

Boca, I think these have your name on them- they have that Serbian vibe.

That is the line to the ladies bathroom...30 plus min wait.  OMG.

 Boca has some fun with Bubs during the lunch break...

The thinker.

One too many Maker's Marks?

Looking like Hubert Humphrey.

When Boca buys more stuff and no where to put it....

Double your pleasure?

Boca's personal fav.

Bubba threatens to hide them for the next trip.

Geysir is an erupting hot springs-it's actually THE erupting hot spring, (lending its name to geysers around the world) although in recent times it doesn't do a lot of erupting but it did enough of a show for Pleep's satisfaction.

 How do they make it put on a show every 10 mins or so?  Those cleaver Icelanders!

No drones at the Geysir but my daughter has to have one for her wedding?

Bubs, Boca is buying you one of these jackets for Christmas to go along with a case of it!

Yes Bubs, this has got your name all over it....you and your next wife will enjoy it for sure.

Pleep just loves the marshmallows (hay)- they are plentiful and so fun to jump on!

We noticed the new apartment buildings have their balconies enclosed in glass...giving the residents  some almost outdoor time in the winter?

After another long day, we are dropped off at the hotel...and yet another mob scene registering.  The hotel is all booked up- again!

Yes Boca, it's time to retire the socks and sandals.  And here are a few interesting tidbits bits about Iceland...
Did you know beer was outlawed in Iceland until 1989?
Strip clubs have been banned since 2010.
Dog ownership was banned in Reki until 1984, when the ban was partially lifted.

Leave me alone Bubs, I'm busy with my iPad.

Pit stop and back out for a quick dinner...yes buddy you have got a problem.

Gypsy King- isn't  that a band Wags likes?

Back to to the Thai restaurant we couldn't get in 2 nights ago...NO SPECIALS!  I guess they were tired of answering "what are the specials of the day?".

Glad to see the hotel is expanding...morning breakfast at the Foss is a circus.  Sun still shining at 8:30 pm.

I am ready to get home to my bed, my coffee pot and my barcalounger watching Fox News in my underwear.

BUBS is ready to go home...he needs a vacation from his vacation.  Reki has been the cherry on the Sundae- with its stunning natural beauty along with the hip and wholesomeness vibe.  The unending daylight makes sure a long fun day is had by all.  It buzzes with creative energy and passion along with it's proximity to a host of extraordinary natural phenomena...volcanoes, waterfalls and glaciers.  Small and easy to get around- to go with the thriving culinary scene.  They specialize in coffee shops loaded with delicious pastries.  Yeah, we know- VERY PRICEY but well worth it.  We never did get to do the Whale Watching and swim in the Blue Lagoon or see The Icelandic Penis Museum (seriously?) and so much more that beckons us back.  Don't forget Yoko Ono's annual Imagine Peace tower ceremony here in October where she invites everyone to join her for the illumination of a super beam of light on Video Island...dedicated to John Lennon's vision -peace and harmony for all- Happy Birthday John.  Why did she pick Reki?  And don't forget to show up for the Northern lights.  An absolute must visit place.  Pleep asked, "What took us so long to get here?"

Pleep has met some friends and is definitely  coming back for some winter dog sledding!