Salud Italia!

Italy has drawn people in search of culture, food, fashion and romance for many centuries.  With a long and rich history of the region- few countries can compete with its classical origins, its art, architecture, musical and literary tradition and don't forget about its stunning scenery or food and wine- Salud!  Italy has no singular cultural identity.  As we have observed, the northern Italians are sooo different from the southern Italians and don't forget about the 20 very different regions etc.  Politically it is still young- it didn't exist as a unified nation until 1870.  Fascism under Mussolini (1922-1943) promised the Italians greatness, but delivered only humiliation.  In spite of this, Italy has become one of Europe's leading economies- in spite of many great obstacles.  Since 1946, the Republic has passed through many crises: a series of unstable coalitions, the terrorist outrages in the 1970's and in the 1990's, corruption scandals, involving numerous government ministries and officials.

But what about in recent times?   In 2014, leftist Democrat Matteo Renzi became Italy's youngest prime minster.  Let's hope they see a smoother and fine future for the food and soccer lovers!  Soccer is a national passion and inspires massive public interest and media attention, not least as a way expressing regional loyalties.

The arts in Italy have had a long and glorious history and Italians are very proud of this.  Given the fact that Italy has more than 100,000 monuments (archaeological sets, cathedrals, churches, houses and statutes), with tons of historical significance- its a no wonder that there is a shortage of funds to keep them in good repair. We tourists (accounting for 12% of the GNP) not only look forward to the delicious food and wine but all the phenomenal antiquities- falling down or not!

As far as religion is concerned, the number of practicing Catholics has been in decline for some years.  Although Rome lies at the center of world Catholicism, today, like much of the secular world we live in, many Italians are uninterested in religion but interestingly still attend Mass in number on saints days or feast days...reminds me of many of my Greek and Jewish friends.  Go figure.

And lets not forget the fabulous fashions- Prada, Gucci, Armani and more.  Can't wait to pick up a little of this and that- I have told Bubs they are practically giving the stuff away in Milan.

But without a doubt my favorite Italian word is Mange and they repeat it often!  Looking forward to all of the fine tastes of Italy.  Do you prefer Northern Italian Cooking to Southern?