Saturday, June 10, 2017


Bubs has been packin for the past 2 weeks, which includes ordering 2 months of vitamins and supplements- $500 a month x 2!  Weighing in at 21 lbs. and taking up most of his carry on bag.

 Bubs I hope they don't think we are some kind of druggies....yes all wrapped up in newly purchased Sketcher shoe bag.  What is a Sketcher?  How is he going to fit my souvenirs in his bag with all that stuff clogging up the works?

 Everyday one of his on line purchases for the trip shows up.  And you need 2 new walking sticks because?  Where are the other 50 your have purchased year after year???

Gotta bring that special book.....he has not learned to just say no to excess reading material.  Come on  Bubs, reclaim some freedom and unencumbered joy in your travels!  Read the local papers...on second thought, never mind,


He is very handy with rubber bands are bringing your own air freshener???  We are going to Europe not Kathmandu.

Cheri (FEARLESS TRAVEL AGENT) as in Cheri Amore not Shari Baby- as she pointed out, AGAIN- stops by to go over the gazillion pages of trip stuff-filling the gift Back Pack.  I think the real reason she stopped by was to make sure that we had the right PASSPORTS.  Lots of moving parts to this particular trip Bubs- in the city, on the boat, off the boat, in the city, land touring, on the boat, off the boat, more land touring- planes, boats, cars, trains, tour buses, ice machines, and I am sure a donkey or two.  Bubs you are in charge of the documents- don't mess it up!  And for the love of God, leave your dang pocket knives at home!!  Good point Cheri.

A month ago the UPS guy humped 6 heavy boxes to the front door I said, "Sir you must have the wrong house.  What we would do with all of that wood?"  And Bubs piped up "ah, er, yes, that's mine."  Huh, what are you going to do with all of that wood?  Oh hell to the no, you are not planting a garden on the patio.  I think there is a spot back by the garbage can you can use....

  Bubs is quite proud of his Quail West version of a farm.

So if you would like to borrow any of his gardening books ....and QW neighbors, when you are in the mood for some fresh mint, basil or whatever else he is growing in those boxes by all means feel free to pop by and have at it.  Sure glad he had to get a garden going before we leave for the summer.....

Friends bid us farewell.....

some send suggestions for a wedding cake....

some have sent some me some pre-wedding gifts...

I guess I better get to packing too!