Monday, June 12, 2017


The Pleepster has been prepping for this trip for the last few months, including reading up on hither and yon. He had been practicing his Serbian and is really bummed he will not be going there to see his oh so many cool cousins.  At least he is hoping he will be able to use his Serbo-Croatian in Dubrovnik.  He has promised to just use the church words and not the cafana lingo he so enjoys.  The preparatory work for Italy has included eating lots of pasta and copious amounts of red vino.  Pleep gets high marks on this one.

Pleep also has his packing down to a science and is oh so good to go.

While Boca gathers up her prescription meds mind you.  And you thought there would be some Valium in the mix.  Bubs asks, "what in the heck is Viviscal?".  Yes, Bubs,  Ol'Boca has been shedding hair like a Shiba Inu.  What's up with that?  Hormonies?  Genetics?  Stress? And you'll love this, when he pipes up, "What do you have to be stressed about?"  The swelling should go down in a day or two.
Praying this "organic supplement" will have me complaining like the good old days about how I have to have my hair thinned each month.

Bubs also doesn't understand why I need to bring along the jumbo bottle of magic shampoo...67 ounces of promised shiny locks- right Annie?  Pleep reminds me of the art and science of traveling light.  Do you use a checklist when you pack?  Bubs could have written The  Checklist Manifesto.  He has used $50 worth of Zip Lock bags packing his underwear and socks.  Why is he packing a spork?  What is he going to do with that speedo?  This trip won't be the usually lazy  unpack once and float from site to site.  There will be a bunch of schlepping suitcases from here to there, so govern yourself accordingly Bubs!

What else is in Boca's bag?  Nothing like chugging some brown murky "organic" Apple Cider Vinegar each morning to get this situation rolling....promises of needing a belt?

What kinda "stuff" do you take to fight the fat,  prevent the wrinkles and get your mojo going??   All of that "stuff" Bubs is taking is about curing his inflammatory gut.  Not wanting to jinx it-along with following what the doctor (Doctor of Osteopathy) told him NOT to eat- he has started to improve his healing from last years surgery.   Who'da thunk it could be possible for Bubba to be Mr. Organic?  Nothing like a reformed fatty being the food police.  Obsessed with label reading and glaring at everything that I put in my pie hole.

I do like the adage of "bring half the clothes, and twice the money".  Bubs is not buying it. I have heard someone suggest to pack a 2 day supply of clothes in your partners luggage.  Not a bad idea.  Too late for this trip as Bubs won't let me near his obsessive compulsively packed bag/s. He is definitely not of the philosophy of "when in doubt, leave it out."   I have finally broken him of the wearing your underwear twice method.  Doesn't anyone make paper underwear?

Karen my pal from CHARITY FOR CHANGE (a wonderful local organization teaching k-5 school children character development- built into their academics) stopped by to bid us adieu... along with 2 adorable puppy pillows to squeeze in the suitcase- a beagle (for Bubba, he had one growing up and a Red Labrodoodle for me- some folks are on the hunt looking for a mini-doodle with red hair for Boca).  Finders fee for the right red head.  Bow Wow!

And Patty also stops by to say farewell.  What do you get when you mix girls, wine and stuffed animals?

We ask Karen to "pitch" her new and improved Charity for Change pitch to Patty.  In those high heels???  Wonder if she can dance backwards in'em?

Patty gave us "Dammit Dolls" for our anniversary and she wanted to make sure we took them along as well!

a what??

Bubba practices regularly...glad she gave us two!

And so the packing is completed.  Any bets on who left what at home???  Up and at'em early for the drive over to the Miami Airport....always a fun trip putting Bubs in a lovely mood- being cutoff left and right.  Ole!