Friday, June 16, 2017


After sharing the stop at the meat/fish market yesterday- COUSIN DUSHAN, from Serbia, sent a photo to entice Bubs to join him for some hoofing around Serbian style...ewe.  I meant oink-oink.  And why are their toenails red???  Revlon?

In honor of my cousin, Pleep suggested that I get a special pedi.

We have seen the economic situation has forced the Greek people to be more innovative, to be  happy with less, to enjoy the sunset, the sea or country life, to grow their own vegetables- changing the whole mentality.  In a way setting things they say in the US - a "market correction"?   Is there a lesson to be learned Boca?   "Nah ,"says Bubs, "too much socialism, which proved that system does not work".   It's that simple. Don't go tree huger/namaste on me Boca".

Today we heard  the EU is now going to bail them out to the tune of over $8 BILLION EUROS!  They wanted $88 Billion but hard to believe the EU actually drew the line.  Pleep thinks its a bunch of monkey business and swings from the chandelier while watching the news...oy is right.

We start the day with a little "foreign press"...
GRIM RITUAL OF RAGE AND BLAME IN AMERICA-  oh wait, that's the NYX.  Never mind.

Enough of the jet lag and watching the European left leaning news- making MSNBC look middle!
Time to hit the street...Pleep is all earphoned up and ready to hop on the green line out to Piraeus.

Have never seen a soul sitting in this lobby....can we say #tooformal?

But then they throw in a Ziggy Stardust painting???  Their version of rockin it?  NOT so much.

Pleep HAS TO STOP for some breakfast, a few nuts and seeds...

Hey lady, keep your monkey off the nuts and tell him to get in line!

So Back on the bus Pleep...

Wrong bus again Pops?  It's ok, I like seeing the ACROPOLIS for the 5th time in 2 days.

Next stop Piraeus...
on the ride to the port city, Boca noticed a theme of sorts...


Boca continues to be fascinated with the Graffiti "art"??  Bubs reminded me to get used to it, it's Europe and "THE" way.

Bringing new meaning to art?

The midnight riders (aka Graffiti banditos) visit Piraeus too.

What happens when the graffiti peels off?  Graffiti touch up squad??

Really?  In front of the new and fabulous Niacharos building????

Spraying  the town center fountain as well?  The one place I have not seen it is on the many Orthodox Churches.  The lighting strike school of thought?

 One of the biggest Mediterranean ports, Piraeus is also one of the largest cities in Greece.  And Boca expected a  little port side village...duh.  It is big and bustling.  It has been the port of Athens since ancient times.

Lots of Neo-Classic buildings- many in need of some Neo Classic serious's that for a little yin and yang architecture/

Piraeus is located 7 miles southwest from the Athens city center- with a metro population of 448,997 folks and it felt like most were in town today. The port of Piraeus is the chief port in Greece, the largest passenger port in Europe and the second largest in the world- servicing about 20 million passengers annually.

In 1923, 100,000 refugees came here from Asia Minor, bringing their culture and contributing to the cosmopolitan feel of this port city.  Piraeus has it's own nightlife, restaurants, shops and quite lovely apartments and lots of boats.  Known for it's Taverna's, Pleep begs it is time to hop off.  Pace yourself Pleep, the day is young!  And don't forget, we get to come back tomorrow to board our ship.

Pleep found a new friend on the bus and wanted to know where to order the shirt?

And he also wanted Pops to order the Mini Cooper with the checker board roof...he would be the hit of Naples.

Ok, enough of Piraeus...back to the observe
a little marching action around the parliament....

and a changing of the guard ceremony in front of the Parliament is always fun to watch or text on your bike-GPS?

But comes the rain and what/??  The police are assembling in riot gear and our bus gets diverted....

Greece's version of an AR 15?

New bus  route and  more low hanging branches...Pleep takes hop off and on to a new level.


And the sun comes back out... while Bubs ponders if we will be hit by a molotov cocktail??

Chill out Bubs- get into your Zen Zen- Namaste Bubala!

followed by the perfect place for Boca....

and back to you Bub- it's all you... where can I order this sign to put over your barcalounger?

The first bike rider we have seen in or around Athens....not many bike riders in this local...might have something to do with the Greek Drivers?

Love riding up on top with a birds eye view.   Bringing new meaning to "open container"...yuk.  This is the standard for garbage collection in these parts.

Yeah lady, sit right down with your jumbo roll of bubble wrap, no problem.

Bubs figures, maybe the Graffiti paint is holding some of these rambling wreck buildings together ???

Nothing several million Euro's wouldn't cure.

Perhaps a little spackle and duct tape would help...

Bubs figures the Graffiti artists work at night so they have to sleep during the day...

and Boca wonders, why are some building Graffiti free????  There are a few.

Greek street music...not feeling very  ZORBA with the saxophones.

Wedding Crowns and other necessaries for a proper Greek Orthodox Wedding:

Being that marriage is one of the seven sacraments in the Orthodox Church, "The Crowning" sermon plays an integral role in the wedding ceremony.  The Crowning takes place after the betrothal or rather, the exchanging the rings  And it's really the crowning ceremony that truly distinguishes an Orthodox Wedding from all others.    During the Crowning Ceremony, the priest will first place a crown onto grooms head while reciting the crown blessing 3x.  ...the servant of God Eric, is crowned unto the handmaid of God Alex in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.  Did he said handmaiden?

And then the priest will place a crown on the bride's head, again reciting the crown blessing-3x.  The priest will then chant "O Lord, our God, crown them with glory and honor".  While lifting up both crowns and with them back and forth over the bride and groom's head 3x.  Then the Epistle is read, then the Gospel, followed by the common cup and then comes the precession.  The bride and groom follow the priest  and deacon, with the best man and maid of honor  around the alter 3x as the Dance of Isaiah is sung or chanted...then the crowns are removed.  So rest up for Alex's nuptials.  This is not Methodist 15 min. wedding service.

So it is obvious and right that Boca must check out some of the Athenian jewelry stores to do a little crown shopping.  Bubs said he didn't understand why the crowns we saw today wouldn't work???

Oh Bubs, isn't it your nap time?  And Boca slips over to Kessaris' the I WANT IT ALL store.  Oh yeah.

May I quote Toula Portokalos: "I had to go to Greek school, where I learned valuable lessons such as, "If Nick has one goat and Maria has nine, how soon will they marry?"  And so the Crown hunting begins....

Here are some of the crowns Pleep picked out for his sis.  Which one gets  your vote?

2  Tricolor

3 Pearls and silver

4  All small pearls

5.  The big pearls...Pleeps fav.

" How about a little something for you Mrs. Boca? This has your name on it.... a little Roberto DeMeglio never hurt anyone."   Have you met my husband Ninetta?  "Yes Mrs. Boca, I feel your pain.  I was married once too.  For my special customers I put the little box in a big box and the husbands feel least for the moment."

A ceramic stretch band...with pave diamonds.  Brilliant- how do they dream up this stuff?  Hmm- will the elastic break first or will I drop the bracelet and shatter the ceramic first?  But oh so gorgeous.

"And these too look like something Mrs. Boca should have.  Who doesn't own some Degrisogono's?"
 Oh,  they do match my ring- meant to be?

"Lets give them a try Mrs. Boca...they are SO YOU...and such a good price'"  Compared to what?  A small car?  Well they do match my ring....but better stick to the crown hunt....for the time being.  Will I get a better price in Italy?  The lovely Nicoletta was absolutely charming.  Note to Boca from Bubba:  "You do not need a friend with good taste, that works at a jewelry store in Athens.  It will be nothing but trouble or bankruptcy".  Bubs, the never ending kill joy.  It ain't over till the fat lady sings dear hubby.

Bubs was relieved to see that Pleep's bag was not holding a tiny box.  Whew...."escaped that one!" Bubs signed.  Yeah, keep that dream alive Bubba.

TIME FOR A REST- to prepare for an Athenian evening- Pleep and Bubs take their nap.

AND NOW OUT FOR THE EVENING..,,OVER to the attached hotel, owned by the same company....HOTEL GRAND BRETAGNE.  Bubs takes 5 (yes there he is sitting guard) while Boca flits around.  And why aren't  we staying here Mr. Bubba!

Up to the 8th floor roof top bar, with an equally stunning view of the Acropolis.  Bubs and Boca try a selfie when a nice young Chinese man offered to help...

 How's this one Mrs. Boca?  Rain got your hair?  Yup.

Back to the bar to watch the "mixologists" do their magic....yes that is a cucumber curly cue on the stick....

Our  "Greek" bartender was born in Sweden to Greek parents...rasied there but moved to Athens when he was 19.  Now that is conversation worthy.

He mixed up a lovely Kettle one martini for Boca-no stuffed olives (blue cheese) but we have Greek olives with peppers.  Peppers?  Ok, I'm in for a try.  Oh, he meant pimento's.  And might I add the fresh green olives with peppers are WAY better than bottle green olives/pimento.

I better have another just incase I didn't quite get that full shake flavor.  Opa1

GOOD NIGHT GRACIE....YES THAT'S STILL THE ACROPOLIS.  Oh, and we never heard anymore about any rioting or disruption...?