Sunday, July 16, 2017


DID I JUST SEE THAT??  WHIZZING BY on the autostrade???  The basilica of the fashion world!   Gucci headquarters.

Boca had heard about the rare and private  tours ....

 But no such luck.  I guess a little advanced planning might have helped.  Even a Gucci Museum in Florence.

First stop a weaving museum...for a couple of hours?  Why?  Boca doesn't own a needle and thread.

Boca  was bored blue within 5 mins, stepped outside and enjoyed watching the students race to class in their oh so tiny cars.  Gas is the most expensive in all of Europe- $9.00 a gallon.


Tuscans Towerful Powerful Village is the epitome of a hill town in Tuscany.  About 25 miles from both Florence and Siena, it's the region's glamour girl: Visually striking and perfectly preserved, it gets all the fawning attention from passing tour buses-ours included.  San Gimignano is beloved because of its skyline of medieval towers. Though a unique sight today, pointy skylines were the norm in Tuscany in the Middle Ages, when feuding noble families ran the hill towns (think Montagues and Capulets). Each family had its own private army that would periodically battle things out from the protection of its respective family towers. While some were built as a refuge against attackers, others were empty, chimney-like structures built only to boost noble egos.  Pleep loved all the Montague Capulet talk and suggested we get some action going in  Quail West- all those people want to do is golf, golf, golf.
In the 14th century, San Gimignano, like other hill towns, fell under Florence's control. The Florentines usually asserted their power over the local nobles by ordering them to lop off their towers. But for whatever reason, some of San Gimignano's original skyline was allowed to remain intact. Today, 14 of its original 72 towers still stand.  And naturally, Pleep climbed every one of them!

Bubs has got his game plan all set up.  Where in the heck did you find a mint green shirt?  OY OY.

Now that's a farm Bubs.  You could have a lot of fun over here growing some grapes for Boca.

A stroll through the core of San Gimignano, in the shadows of its surviving towers, is a delight. As the town was about a day's trek to Siena or Florence in the Middle Ages, it was a good stopover for pilgrims en route from those cities to Rome. Near the main gate, you can still see the remains of a 12th-century pilgrims' shelter.

Cheese and Salami- my wife must be in here.

Wild Boar!  Yup.  Gotta give it a try Bubs.

All kinds of ways too eat it- Pleep wanted one of each.  Cinghiale (wild boar) is made into stews, soups, and — my favorite — salami.  And of course I had to buy some for the Pleep.  The area is well-known for producing some of the best saffron in Italy. Although Tuscany is normally a red-wine region, the most famous Tuscan white wine comes from here: the inexpensive, light, and fruity Vernaccia di San Gimignano.  The Italia wine is growing on  Boca- maybe has something to do with that is all they have?

Oh joy, more arches.

At the center of town is Piazza della Cisterna, named for the cistern that is served by the old well standing in the center of this square. Rustic-yet-proud facades crowd in a tight huddle around the well.   That plain oh so very plain building is a church.  A church?  Yup, left door old Testament, right door new Testament.

Where is that Gelato shop Lynn has been talking about?


The owner came out to educate us on the difference between gelato and ice cream.  Which do you prefer?

And we had to sample the "award winning gelato" of course.

A fellow touree starts the party.

Boca so enjoyed the delicious mango while Bubba licked the hazel nut.  Definite award winning experience!

The sustenance gave Boca the energy to do a little shopping.  Please ship after Aug 15.  Great store and selection is also available on line.  She and her hubby are the owners and quite helpful as Boca couldn't decide if she wanted green or blue or what shape, or what size, or or or.  Does Gelato give one brain freeze?

Moving on to the next stop- we spot a ~Pam Superstore, Bub mumbled something about renaming our garage.

Smart idea- the check out clerks sit of Boca's former jobs was a check out girl and she never understood why standing in front of the cash register was necessary- these Italians have the right idea.  After  you pay for your bag, you get to bag your own groceries.  Fino!

Now this is more like it- a private farm and winery.

If I lived up there I could watch my grapes grow thought Bubs.  Do they have anything to hunt around these parts?

Come on Boca, lets go see how they process their wine and of course the taste.

Yes Bubs, quite the likeness.

Let the pouring champagne or is that Italian Tidy Bowl?

Per Pleep, What doesn't salami go with?

Found it, the to go shop.  Free shipping, no tax or duty- I'm all in.  Can't wait for the girls to try some of the blue "champagne".   Salute!

 A little smaller than Boca's collection at home.

All that wine drinking makes for a nice bus ride back to the hotel.  This touring-vacationing stuff is a lot of work.  Bubs and Boca are hanging on by a thread.  Shall we say, they bit off a little more than the can chew?

Pleep and Bubba in search of Sophia. Pleep insists she's the one.