Saturday, July 22, 2017


Boca brilliantly left her computer on the coach at the last stop of the tour.  Never happened the 2 weeks riding around, she waited till it would be really inconvenient to retrieve it.   But through phone calls and figuring it out, the computer was retrieved.  So Boca is back in business.  Without blogging daily, ol'Boca tends to forget where the heck they were 2 days ago so blogging is now SOP for recollection.

Ok Boca up and at'em.  Breakfast on the terrace please. You can stare at the church as much as you want- and we both know that will not make you holy.

Right Bubs, that's exactly what I am staring at.

Daily prayers a must.

Get back to staring at the church would ya?  You're no Cougar.

Or Boca could look at the table next to us....the couple got up from breakfast and in swooped the pigeons.  Ewe.

When was the last time you saw room keys?

Yes Bubs, you can barely fit through the elevator door.

Boca loves another church right outside the back door...

Cut the crap Boca, you like the shopping on this street.

Have at it and I'll go back in and read the paper....come get me when you're done.  That would be in 15 mins.  Keep that dream alive Bubba.

I guess this poor soul (begging in prayer fashion) thought she might have some heavy hitter donations coming her way if she perched in front of Bottega Veneta.  On one hand Boca does not like the concept in any way (lots of gypsies in Italy doing this) and on the other hand sometimes I feel like I am looking at the face of Christ and should give them something.  How do you handle beggars?

This fine saleswoman did what I have not been able to do for 41 years- she got  Bubs to buy a pair of Todds.  Bravo!

Topped off by a 45 euro haircut for a guy that likes Supercuts- I was double shocked.

25 million tourists visit Venice each year and many of them like to feed the flying rats. All it takes is a handful of birdseed to transform any tourist visiting Venice's historic St. Mark's Square into a human perch for a fluttering mass of pushy pigeons.   Ugh.  Who is on pigeon patrol?  The local government enacted a law in 2008 making it illegal for tourists to feed the pigeons and we can see that is working-NOT.  One person told us they are feeding the pigeons birth control to limit the numbers.  And now they have sea gulls on the loose- a lot more aggressive than the gross pigeons.  The Italians used to eat the pigeons- I say mange mange!

Time for a cold one and a little lunch.  The Peroni beer was only 12 euros.  A bargain.   Nothing like a lunch with a gazillion pigeons and tourists.

Back to shopping while Bubs hunted pigeons on the terrace.

The staff gave him the pigeon stick to make sure he had some fun hunting.

All that shopping makes a gal hungry.  However our dinner was a real bust.  We had dinner at Piccolo Martini.  Managed by an Asian gal, all of the waiters were from India- the food and service sucked.  Note to self:  when the restaurant is empty, run.  It encouraged Boca to post on Yelp and Trip Advisor-a first for Boca.  Does anybody body pay attention to those postings?  Do the posts matter?  Do you post?