Thursday, July 6, 2017



Pleep was excited we anchored in the heel of the boot.  Well that is one way to look at Crotone.

Pleepmeister has been enjoying the peach marmalade cousin Dushan made for him to enjoy with the French bread and Patron.

Some of the best ruins of the ancient Greek world are in southern Italy.  Syracuse, Sellinunte, Segesta and Gela are among the better-known Sicilian sites- while those on the mainland include the city we are visiting today Crotone.  Magna Gracie is the collective name even to the scattered colonies of ancient Greece.  Hey, wasn't  that the name of the olive farm we visited in Greece??  Population 61,000.

Founded in 710 BC- we are def. on the ancient city tour.... about 540 BC, Crotone became the chief school of Pythagoras's philosophy .  Here the great thinker and mathematician remained for 30 years, until the government - which he supported- was overthrown and he was expelled.  View from our balcony....what city on the Adriatic is NOT built around a fortress?  Lots of fortification going on around her Sleep- yes he loves when I use that word.

The tour buses are ready to roll....hey is that a sail boat hospital Bubs?

Looks like this one is DOA.

Ancient walls are everywhere....

Ya gotta dry your stuff somewhere and now Boca is using the balcony for the same- still not pretty and Bubba points out that the Italian fisherman are laughing their you know what's off as they sail by our balcony!

Hey, is that the crew???

Yup.  Our captain likes to exercise them on safety stuff...of course Pleep assumed they gathered as he was exiting the boat.

And now guess who wants a baby sister- he found this add for a baby monkey.
Coco?  or Coo-koo??

In the meantime Pleep couldn't get to the Italian sausage fast enough!

Why did we stop here?  Boring stop.  Maybe the Captains 3rd cousin lives here?  Farewell castle...on to the next.  And when Boca meets him she will be very clear in her kindly thoughts...and it will go something like this- "WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING TO STOP THE BOAT HERE!!!!!"

Sent in by PHeidkamp- good one!

Pleep wants in on the across the pond wedding planning going on and of course a significant roll..

or this?

American  Express can't understand how I can be spending up a storm on wedding stuff in the states from afar?

Seabourn Club Cocktail Party- huh?  The room is filled with white hair and they announce the award  for the most traveled Seabourn guest on the ship- 668 Days on Seabourn!  My heroes!!  Hey Bubs how many days have we cruised...Regent, Silverseas, Crystal, Windstar, Oceania and now Seabourn? "Oh no," he groans," not another list to keep...."  Pleep said he heard some cussing.

The Captain invited us to sup with him and his lovely wife Debby and a few others...Captain Mark Dexter was born in England and grew up in both England and Scotland....married to a Kiwi (New Zealander).  They now live in New Zealand when not sailing the silver seas on Seabourn.  He and Boca had many laughs during dinner...and of course Boca asked him a gazillion questions.  She also commented on the stellar, young and quite European staff....  Wow!  She pressed on with wanting to know about the selection and training process.  Unique and obviously successful.  Being sworn to secrecy I cannot divulge the goings on.  Competitors take note!

And much to our delight the lovely couple who won the most cruise days award were also invited to the dinner- they are Brits who live on the Isle of Man (in the English Chanel with the low tax rate- remember in the 80's when several of the Miami drug dealers stored their moola there).  And Mrs. 668 Sailing Days on Seabourn said, "we probably have about the same amount of days on 5 other lines".  Trajectory to rock star status!  And this lovely couple made their do re mi in the egg business...must have been a whole lot of clucking going on.  The other couple- equally fun-also from New Zealand (Auckland).  Love those Kiwi's!  ALL BLACKS!!

Here, Boca, this is what you want to order tonight and you might want to take it easy on that Champagne- YOU ARE BLOWING MY BUDGET!

Captain My Captain, you are a DDD!  A desert double dipper- my kind of guy.

Even Pleep dressed for the occasion.

The stop was a bust but the Captain sure wasn't...he salvaged the day for Boca in the nick of time.