Tuesday, August 8, 2017

DAY 56 MON AUGUST 07 AT SEA, on the way back to Iceland

Today we honor the men and women who have courageously fought to defend our freedom. Thank you for your service & sacrifice. 

The purple heart is awarded to those who died or were wounded in combat.
My father (step) was awarded one from his service in WWII.  Chris was an extraordinary, God loving man  and we miss him every day.  #PurpleHeartDay


Rock stars Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons of KISS will host a veterans' fundraiser event at the Orlando Rock & Brews location they co-founded.
The event begins at 4 p.m. August 9 and a percentage of the proceeds will benefit Fisher House Orando.
The evening event will include a presentation by Stanley and Simmons, a sampling of Rock & Brews’ food and three drink tickets. The cost is $200. Tickets will also include a photo opportunity with Stanley and Simmons from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The Fisher House provides a “home away from home” for families of Veterans receiving medical care at a major military or VA medical center. The Orlando Fisher House is currently being built directly in front of the Orlando VA Medical Center in Lake Nona, which serves over 100,000 Central Florida Veterans.

Go Fisher House Orlando- that will make 8 in the state of Florida.  One more to visit Bubs!

Boca and Bubs so love cruising...oceans occupy 2/3 of the planets surface.  In descending order by area:  the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic Ocean.  What's the difference between  a "sea" and an"ocean"?  It is the inhabitant of over 230,000 KNOWN species and the experts guess there are over 2 million marine species that are estimated to exist.  Most of the time,  such a easy peasy way to see the world.

It just isn't a cruise unless you push your body to the brink of alcoholism and diabetes...and speaking of food we were invited to dinner with the Captain at the Pacific Rim restaurant.  Guess he wanted to win Pleep over?

How does the Captain keep that slim, trim figure cruising around the globe?

But you can imagine the surprise when there was a table set only for 3 1/2??  OMG.  Usually when they invite you to dinner with El'Captain, it is with a large group.    So what's up with this??

When Boca found out he was single she couldn't resist trying to fix him up with one of our fellow cruisers stopping to say hello to us.

Yes, Mr. Bubba, while Pleep has been no problem and very enjoyable to have along on the cruise, Mrs.Boca has been quite a challenge.  Has it been this way before?

Buddy, it's been this way for 41 years.

The captain is from Italy, so of course we asked him about his life back home in Sisely.  Who takes care of your cat?  Do you have siblings?  Where does Mom and Dad live?  No kids? What about the  refugee problem in  Italy?  How did you choose this career?  What's life at sea like as a career?  What is your favorite itinerary?  Favorite port?  What's the most challenging part of your job?  How has it changed in the past 20 years? Where is the toughest place to captain the ship?  The easiest?  How many hours do you sleep in a day? and on and on.  Bubs kept stepping on Boca's foot to remind her this was not an interrogation.  Huh?

And naturally Pleep had to mention an article he read today in the NYX , "Europe Swelters Under a Heat Wave Called Lucifer"- and not missing being in that heat nightmare- even rain, grey, and cold are a welcome relief to what we experienced in Greece and Italy with the heat.  "Most unfortunate", per the Captain.

Pleep ordered the lobster tempura- and wanted to know the difference between the Canadian lobster and the Maine lobster they serve next door at Prime 7? Per our server- "?".  It was fun sitting with the Captain as every time we took a sip out of our glass, it was replenished.  Salud!  It's good to be the Captain.

Hey, I thought we found all the fugly pictures...as we overheard a fellow passenger comment on the beauty of this one.  Yes, it must be true, beauty is in the eye of the beholder....to Pleep, much of the art is very graffiti like?  Good observation Pleep.

As Bubs and Boca turn in for the night they find the butler...
"Yes, Mr. Bubba, we are replenishing Mrs. Boca's supply as fast as we can".

We met a gal today from Newport Beach, California, who is very involved in Oceana- not the cruise company- the organization.  Have you heard of it?  Are you a member?  After floating around the world and seeing the level of cleanliness and use of our oceans,  this sounds like a great idea initiating from the private sector. Bubs liked the mission and agreed with the need.  Just don't tell him a bunch of lefties from Hollywood are also involved.  Hello Bubs, who doesn't want clean water?

Oceana was established in 2001 by a group of leading foundations — The Pew Charitable Trusts, Oak Foundation, Marisla Foundation (formerly Homeland Foundation), and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
In 1999, these foundations commissioned a study and discovered that less than 0.5 percent of all resources spent by environmental nonprofit groups in the United States went to ocean advocacy — an appalling statistic. No organization was working exclusively to protect and restore the oceans on a global scale.
To fill the gap, our founders created Oceana: an international organization focused solely on oceans, dedicated to achieving measurable change by conducting specific, science-based campaigns with fixed deadlines and articulated goals.
The Ocean Law Project — also initiated by The Pew Charitable Trusts — was absorbed into Oceana in 2001 as Oceana’s legal arm. In 2002, Oceana merged with American Oceans Campaign, founded by actor and environmentalist Ted Danson, to more effectively address our common mission of protecting and restoring the world’s oceans.
Since its founding, Oceana has won more than 100 victories and protected more than one million square miles of ocean. Find out more about how Oceana is helping to save the oceans victory by victory.

We also learned from a friend about the stones...

Stone Carried by Midwives in Iceland

The stone is called lausnarsteinn (‘relief stone’) and was used by midwives in Iceland for centuries to relieve the pain of women in labor. It was also thought to help with the delivery and guarantee good health for the mother and child.


Boca preferred the epidural stone.

And Boca is still getting used to living in her gated community as well....

Bubba reminds her to start packing all "that crap" you brought and didn't use and the crap you bought, that you don't need".  Doesn't he know there is another day of ship board shopping?  And surely they have "stuff" in Reykjavik.  It ain't over yet dear Bubs.