Wednesday, August 9, 2017


SHIVERING IN REYKJAVIK....must buy a real coat one of these days.  Bubs is in a windbreaker and Boca in a rain coat.  OMG.

Pull into the port on this very rainy and chilly summer day...what is under all of the blankets???

Pleeps welcoming committee...Mr. Pleep we are waiting for you!

And today is the kick off of THE GAY PRIDE FESTIVAL-

08 AUG - 13 AUG, 2017
The Reykjavik Gay Pride always takes place around the second weekend of August.  Over 200,000 people participate, which is impressive when you consider that the entire population of Iceland is only 500,000. Lots of visitors from Europe and America come to join the throng!  Pleep is stoked.

For all of Boca's LBGTQRST friends...check out the details.  You know Boca will have some fun!  Bubs said "I have all the luck, last week was the strippers convention and gun show."

Reykjavik is the capital and largest city in Iceland.  It is the world's northernmost capital of a sovereign state with a population of around 120,000  (greater  area is 200,000).  It is the heart of Iceland's economic and governmental activity.  And as all of the towns/cities in this area of the world, it goes back a long time- as in 870 AD.  Those Norsemen really loved the cold.  Hey, isn't Bjork from here?

But first a stop in my fav coffee shop...hey, there's Captain Rosario- surreptitiously keeping an eye on Boca.

And my favorite shop girl and future daughter in law- Renate.

1/2 Serbian, 1/2 Croatian and works in the Explorer Jewelry shop- talk about perfection.  Come on Nick- get after it.  She is interested.  A strong Serbian girl is what you need!  Thought by a Serbian Mom.

A very chilly and wet day and our Whale Watching excursion for 6:15 was just canceled at 5:45 due to weather.  Huh?  The whales don't care about the rain, right?

One more fugly picture for Bubs to notice.

And one of our fav waiters, Alberto.  This guy is personality plus.  His wife is a lucky lucky lady!

Nick calls Boca- "Mamma Bear"...her vision.

Nick's vision....something about "over- bearing"....does he mean Boca is a big Mamma?

Thank you Steve, for the laugh today!