Monday, July 24, 2017


The best part of yesterday was receiving pictures from Alex of our son in law to be, Eric, at his baptism at  St. Katherine's Greek Orthodox Church/Naples, where they will be married next April.

No lighting Eric- looks like you are a good to go.  Thanks Father Philemon.

Father, we're going the total dunk route?  Yup.  We Orthodox don't mess around.

No need to do a cannonball into the tub.

And down we turning back now son.

Father, I know Navy Seals who didn't  go through this!

Did I pass Father?  Yes dear Eric, you are now an official member of the tribe.  Good job!

From Boca and Bubba to Eric,
It is with joy that we learned of your participation in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. May the blessings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you always.  Eric, we are so proud of you in taking this huge step in preparation not only your upcoming wedding, but for your life.  It takes a strong man, with love in his heart to be baptized later in life.

From Bubba to Alex,
Alex, would you calm your mother down about this wedding.  She has been veil shopping for you.   Please tell her to get a grip!  She is taking My Big Fat Greek Wedding to a level of insanity.


A friend heard that Mr. Clooney's house is for sale (again) due to the refugee situation here in Italy.  This excerpt is from the Daily Mail newspaper....

"It’s easy for celebrities to debate over issues that don’t even affect them. They live out of our ordinary world, and enjoy their fancy life in places we can’t even imagine. And now they’re even experts on the issue of the immigrant ban. Can you imagine George Clooney talking about the refugees? Well, yes, cause it’s the very same Clooney who said that President Donald Trump is a xenophobic racist. This statement costs him a lot, and we bet that he doesn’t like the surprise that was waiting for him at the front door of his $9.8 million vacation home.
Clooney was pretty loud in convincing people that America should welcome all the refugees that lost their homes. Clooney become louder after our President signed the executive order that bars Muslim immigrants. Clooney himself is married to a Muslim woman, the gorgeous Amal Clooney. The couple was “welcomed” with an unpleasant surprise in their vacation mansion at the opulent Lake Como Italian resort. Clooney spotted a group of refugees right there, in their piece of heaven. It’s their friends! Wasn’t Clooney fighting for the rights of these people?
Italy’s celebrity hideaway Lake Como has become home to hundreds of migrants after the nearby crossing into Switzerland was blocked by Swiss officials.
Lake Como has long served as a tranquil paradise for the rich and famous, including George Clooney and Madonna.
But the town’s railway station has been transformed into a makeshift camp, where the families live surrounded by discarded clothes, shoes, food containers and even rats.
Tensions are mounting in the luxury resort with more tents springing up every hour as more people arrive from Milan on their journey to northern Europe.
These refugees came after Switzerland decided to shut down its southern border, forcing them to ask asylum in Italy. Heaven doesn’t look the same now, huh?.
Will celebrities welcome these people in their homes or were their words as vain as their struggle for the refugees? No, it will go on the expense of churches, hospitals, and private resorts".
Boca heard a Russian offered him $40mil for the place and also that the Beckhams are interested too-quite an investment George.
Meanwhile back at Villa Serballoni Boca enjoys the view out the window.

Pleep found these 2 special rooms on our floor and wanted to know why we weren't sleeping in there?
Looking south...that's our "pebble beach" with the pink umbrellas- a big hit with Boca.
Is there time to do a quick visit to Switzerland Bubs?  Boca, I'll be happy if I live through all you have me doing already.  No No to Switzerland.  Admire it from a distance!

Come on Pleep- let's take a dip to be followed by a Gelato break of course.
Pleep had another about a Peroni to get the ball rolling?
Churches, Churches and more churches.
A little jam session to get the shoppers shopping.
Never ending nooks and crannies and tiny passageways.  The maze of steep stone staircases, red-roofs and green shuttered buildings, dark cypress groves and rhododendron filled gardens delights the eyes.  And yes filled on the weekend with day trippers from Milan.
Hey Bub, one of your Italian cousins is looking for you.
That band sure gets around.
Boca still on the hunt for a crèche -so many beautiful ones to choose from.  So how much seniora?  ONLY 3000 euros, plus shipping.  This is an Angela Tripi.  A who?
And these 2 caught my eye, in a window of a jewelry store- never a good sign when looking for a bargain.  But wow- oh so bellisimo!

So out of couresity I went in to inquire about the price?  It took them 15 mins per window to give me a price.  The top shelf is 30,000 Euros.  Excuse me?  Could you repeat that and write it down.  Yup I heard that right.  And the one on the lower shelf is a mere 11,000 euros- we ship for free.  The same artist made this and gave it to our owner for his wedding.  Again- stupendously gorgeous.
They showed me more work of the artist- Angela Tripi.
Her work is stunning.  They told me she is in her 90's and makes them out of Terra cotta one at a time.  Her son is now helping her but "he is no good!".  She lives in Scicily, Italy.
Angela then uses real material and stones to decorate the pieces.

So who is this lady of high creche art?

Here is some of her work from her web site...

Exquisite.  Now the other creches Boca was eyeing,  pale in comparison to her unique work.  Have you heard of her?  Her work?  Keep your eye open on E Bay for Boca.  Boca has never bought anything from E Bay but everyone raves about it.  Heck, Boca doesn't even know how to find it.  Hope springs eternal?  Bubba had heard about a guy he knows who bought something on eBay so he cautioned me: