Saturday, July 29, 2017


There we are- chugging our way to the coast of Scotland in the North Sea-the outer Hebrides.

Rockin and Rollin on the Ship
The Sea was rough all night.  Have to get used to the tough seas after the very smooth Mediterranean.

My dear friend from Scotland is watching our ship via a very cool web site...

Boca up an at'em and went to turn on the light next to her night stand and boom.  The night stand implodes and next thing you know Boca is down.  The nightstand won.

That's what ya git for reading the NYX barked Bubba.

Attached to the wall by a bracket that wasn't working, nor the little dowel pins supposed to hold  the marble top on to the stand.  Bam.  Scream.  Cursing.  Boca  said probably best to call the front desk and let them know and not only fix it but that they should see exactly what happened.  So here comes the Concierge Manager (did she want to sell tickets?  Yes, Boca in pj's with bed head is quite a site), the Security chief (he has to write a report) and the maintenance man (repair).  Boca tells them she is ok.  They bring her ice to put on her leg.  Do you want to go to the doctor?  No need, Boca is is a tough Serb and can take a licking from a night stand.  But hey  how about that design?   Has this happened before?  No.  Ok

Then later in the afternoon, the leg starts hurting like heck.  So Boca hobbles. down to the medical center.  Wow, they are set up to do surgery on this ship.  In fact they do stitches all the time.  A lady from LA I met today, took a header in the Pacific Rim restaurant and voila- a bunch of stitches on the forehead.  They were very nice in the medical center- when they took the brief medical history, they couldn't believe ol"boca took NO medicine- as she prayed, "don't make me get on the scale!"   So the doc (all Philipino staff) checked Boca out- nothing broken.

Then here comes the Security Chief.  Must make a report.  You mean you didn't make one this morning? Nope.  Now the paper work.  In fact he did a breathalyzer on Boca.   Hmm- the incident happened this morning at 9:00 and now it is 3:00 and they want a breathalyzer?  Does it work that far back?
Having never had one- why not.  Yes, hard to believe never had one.

FYI-A breathalyzer or breathalyser  is a device for estimating blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample. Breathalyzer is the brand name (a genericized trademark) for the instrument that tests the alcohol level developed by inventor Robert Frank Borkenstein It was registered as a trademark on May 13, 1954, but many people use the term to refer to any generic device for estimating blood alcohol content.  And here we thought a breathalyzer was developed in recent times   

Boca passed with flying colors-  0.0000000  Glad it is not measuring a cumulative rate.

The very sweet doctor said, "Here are some anti inflammatory pills and ice it or it will feel worse tomorrow".  Boca couldn't see sitting around icing and missing all the fun on a sea day, so she gimped up and down the ship and used her medicine of choice, vino, to deal with the owie.   Bingo.  Is there a moral to this story?  Yes, Bubs we heard you- don't read the NYX.

Sea Day-Bubba's favorite day on a cruise.  Gets to ramp up his nap taking.

Saw this in the gift shop-would have been the perfect purse for my dear Mom +.  She so enjoyed giving her money to Regent via the casino.

My  pal, Dotty, sent info about the Toilet Paper Competition for Wedding Dresses.  Huh?
Here comes the bride, all dressed in ... double-ply?
"Not all wedding gowns are traditional, but few are made out of toilet paper. In a recent contest, people with some serious creative flair were asked to whip up bridal attire using basic bathroom TP. 
The rules are simple: Contestants obviously must use toilet paper. They can use any type of tape, glue, and/or needle and thread. The dress must be able to be worn and taken on and off. The model can't be sewn, taped or glued into the dress.
And the results are ridiculously amazing.
Instead of swathing their models like mummies, these toilet paper artists have crafted delicate masterpieces ranging from form-fitting numbers with intricate cutouts to retro designs with capes or tassels.
There were more than 1,500 entries in this year's Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest. The 13-year-old competition is presented by Cheap Chic Weddings and Quilted Northern (of course).
Take a look at the awe-inspiring gowns, including the 2017 winner:

It took Kari Culetto,Las Vegas actress and mother of two, three months to craft her winning entry, which she calls "Quilted Enchantment." The gown's 1,500 hand-cut butterflies and a six-foot cathedral train earned the raves of judges and the $10,000 first prize.
"It kind of feels like I'm dreaming right now," Curletto told Reuters after her win. "Halfway through I was going to quit. I was crying and thinking, 'Well, I just can't do it. It's too much,' and a butterfly flew into my yard and landed on my hand."

Carol Touchstone's vintage creation includes 135 tassels, more than 6,500 strips of twisted toilet paper, and 6,000 beads. She used nearly three dozen rolls of two-ply toilet paper and two rolls of "vintage peach" Quilted Northern that she found online for the accompanying headpiece.
And how bout this beauty?!!

Each year Ripley's (of "Believe it or Not" fame) displays a number of the finalist dresses. This year, the company will donate about 20 of the gowns to brides whose plans are in tatters due to the surprise bankruptcy of wedding dressmaker Alfred Angelo".

Bubs is hoping this will make Alex want to head to the bathroom and see what she can do.

They do have a Culinary Kitchen on board- where folks can attend a cooking class or two.    Boca peeked in...once in a lifetime, more than enough, thank you very much.

While right next door setting up for afternoon tea.  Now that's more like it.

Back to the Prime steak house for dinner.   We met a couple of gals from Southern California (via Northern England 33 years ago)at the bar and joined forces for supper.  Thank you for teaching Boca about the Hugo (drink).  Quenched the thirst for sure.  Bubs, the never ending ladies man.  Maybe in another life he was an escort?

Guilty as charged!

Oh joy, more food!

Pleep went straight to desert.

So enjoyed a fun evening of meeting 2 most fabulous babes and swapping some stories.  Who have you met that has an 89 year old tortoise that can open the screen door to get in the house?  Now that's a first for Boca and Bubs.  And best of all for Bubs - they are both CONSERVATIVES (and you thought it was going to be something else, get your mind out of the gutter!).

Meanwhile Boca continues to be fascinated with the prayer wheel...and based on today's debacle with the night stand decided to go to the prayer wheel and give it one more spin.  Maybe she did it incorrectly?

So what exactly is a prayer wheel?
According to the lineage texts on prayer wheels, prayer wheels are used to accumulate wisdom and merit (good karma) and to purify negativities (bad karma). In Buddhism, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have created a variety of skillful means (upaya) to help bring practitioners ever closer to realizing enlightenment. The idea of spinning mantras relates to numerous Tantric practices whereby the Tantric practitioner visualizes mantras revolving around the nadis and especially around the meridian chakras such as the heart and crown. Therefore, prayer wheels are a visual aid for developing one's capacity for these types of Tantric visualizations. The spiritual method for those practicing with a prayer wheel is very specific (with slight variations according to different Buddhist sects). The practitioner most often spins the wheel clockwise, as the direction in which the mantras are written is that of the movement of the sun across the sky. On rare occasions, advanced Tantric practitioners spin prayer wheels counterclockwise to manifest a more wrathful protective energy. As the practitioner turns the wheel, it is best to focus the mind and repeat the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra. Not only does this increase the merit earned by the wheel's use, but it is a mind-stabilization technique that trains the mind while the body is in motion. Intoning the mani mantra with mindfulness and the "Bodhicitta" motivation dramatically enhances the effects of the prayer wheel. However, it is said that even turning it while distracted has benefits and merits, and it is stated in the lineage text that even insects that cross a prayer wheel's shadow will get some benefit. Each revolution is as meritorious as reading the inscription aloud as many times as it is written on the scroll, and this means that the more Om Mani Padme Hum mantras that are inside a prayer wheel, the more powerful it is. It is best to turn the wheel with a gentle rhythm and not too fast or frantically. While turning smoothly, one keeps in mind the motivation and spirit of compassion and bodhichitta (the noble mind that aspires to full enlightenment for the benefit of all beings). The benefits attributed to the practice of turning the wheel are vast. Not only does it help wisdom, compassion and bodhichitta arise in the practitioner, it also enhances siddhis (spiritual powers such as clairvoyance, precognition, reading others thoughts, etc.). The practitioner can repeat the mantra as many times as possible during the turning of the wheel, stabilizing a calm, meditative mind. At the end of a practice session, there is a Tibetan Buddhist tradition of dedicating any accumulated merits that one may have gathered during practice to the benefit of all sentient beings. Then Om Ah Hum 3 times. This is customary with Tibetans upon completing any Buddhist practice, including the practice of the prayer wheel.

So much for the prayer wheels effects- between Boca's event and the nice lady falling in front of it- maybe it is turning out to be an interesting piece of art after all.