Wednesday, July 26, 2017


We woke up in Southampton  (sw of London) ready to sail.

Yes Bubba, we just can't seem to completely escape the Italiano's- they designed and built the Explorer.  3 years to design and 18 months to build it.  NOVA/PBS made a very interesting documentary about the process.  Fascinating how they build these big ships- this one in particular- it was build in 2 sections at 2 different shipyards in Italy (400 miles apart) then one of the halves was tug boated to the other's ship yard to be welded together.  Youza!  That takes some tremendous engineering and close tolerance building to makes sure the 2 halves will match up.  Pleep suggested that one day we go and watch one be built.  Or at least to the christening!  "Sure", Bubs mumbled, "maybe all those Trip Advisor points will get you an invite Boca."  Hmmph.

Step aboard yourself and check out the documentary:
This is the positioning Bubs is looking forward to.
Imagine the challenge of decorating  the Seven Seas Explorer. The assignment was to make it the most superb ship ever.  And boy did they deliver.  They used enough marble to keep a quarry in Carrara, Italy busy for a year.  Pleep is particularly fond of the double spiral stair case brass handrails.  The hotel manager appreciates Pleep helping keeping the brass nice and shiny.
Then imagine the challenge of cleaning hundreds of Czech and Danish crystal chandeliers and more than a million individual crystals all through the ship.  Ceilings in restaurants and lounges also drip with hand-blown Murano glass in shapes of icicles and water drops that are so seemingly delicate that one false move of the cleaning cloth could mean a messed up expensive chandelier.
Pleep likes the many bar and lounge opportunities.
He can't wait to try some of the treatments in the oh so Zen spa.

How sweet is the suite life?   Bubs is looking forward to sleeping on one of the "Elite" mattresses- are pleasant dreams guaranteed?   Regent bought a year's production of marble from a quarry in Carrara for the baths and as we just learned on our see Italy tour,  there is plenty to choose from.  Pleep wants to peek in and sneak a flop in the Regent Suite on the $150,000 bed.   Pleep insists that a test snooze on the stratospherically priced mattress will assure that it must be the Rolls Royce of the mattress world.  The Regent suite is priced at a mere $10,000 a night.  Paging Mr. Jim Peirce....this suite is sweet and surely has your name on the door.

Hey Pleep, are those prayer wheels?   Talk about a unique art installation in front of the Pacific Rim (pan Asian restaurant).  Pleep wanted to know why the ship needs a prayer wheel?  Didn't they do a good job welding it together?

"You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it".
"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." 

These are among the words of wisdom that are cast into this very dramatic art installation.  The unique design of 90 intricately decorated disc wheels cast of bronze is a real stunner.  The design is not religious as such but the $500,000 and 3 ton installation is similar in concept to Tibetan Buddhist prayer wheels that devotees spin to improve their karma.

Remember when Bubs and Boca visited Tibet a few years back...

Bubs gave the prayer wheel a whirl with the Tibetan monk.

They come in all sizes...

and configurations.  Got Karma yet Bubs?

Pleep remembers Bubs hair going whack after so much prayer wheel spinning.  And yes Boca did buy a small "antique" prayer wheel as a remembrance of that part of the world.

Ok, enough down memory lane and back to the Explorer-this picture is in front of our door.  You mean I have to look at Jane  Russel every day?  What's up with that?

Bubs is pleased with the room and the welcome gift...

Something for everyone in the Collins Clan.

Will that wife of mine EVER learn how to operate the safe?


Our balcony has a special configuration and part of it hangs over our neighbors...oh I get it, the Captain wants to keep an eye on the Pleepster via the bridge.

Hey Bubs, another cooking school opp for you.

Even better- a dictionary.  Git yer words rite!

We thought the Seaborne Encore was gorgeous but it pales in comparison to this Regent Explorer.  The Explorer is a pricier and larger ride (500 vs 750) -can't wait to see The Silversea Muse for a 3rd comparison.  The art work is unique and interesting.  Remember the last Regent ship we sailed on around Norway?  Mr. Del Rio (President/owner) had his wife art the place up (ewww).  She must have retired as the art director for the Explorer.  Yes Bubs, we get the point.

Manuel, have you seen my dang monkey??  I know he likes those blue drinks.

Sail away- this port has some interesting things to see, including watching them load up 100's and 100's of Mini Coopers to ship somewhere....Ida did you order another?

Per Bubs- "the real test of how great the ship is- is the chow and not the chandeliers".  Will advise on outcome.

A welcome and good start to the next leg of some Boca and Bubba summer fun.  Hey, did I hear that correctly?  OJ Simpson is moving to SW Florida?   G'night.