Tuesday, July 25, 2017


 Arrivederci Bella Bellagio!  Boca will be back to the Lake Como.

One last question- Alora- this word is used frequently and I mean frequently-alora this, alora that.  What does it mean?  I was told "then".  I must say after a month it did start getting on Boca's last nerve.  Perhaps the wine drinking effect has subsided?

Over all Boca and Pleep loved the Italian leg of the trip- Bubs said that was enough as he would just as soon stand in the shade with Dushan.  He ponders the potential collapse of the Italian economy?

.....A contracted economy, inadequate banking systems, engorged public sector and festering corruption mean that Italy is facing a troubled future.  Boca and Bubba pray that the Italiano's finally get it together for a healthy future for all.  Until then- Salude!   And one final suggestion from Bubs:  BUILD A WALL.

Boca has also learned how to use Trip Advisor- "an American travel website company providing hotel booking as well as reviews of travel related content".  It's been around since 2000 and HQ is in Needham, Mass.  Revenue- $1.492 Billion/2015!  How'bout them apples!   They have 3000 or so employees.  What very smart person thought this great scam up?  We do the work and they get the advertising dollars.  Brilliant!  Boca wrote a couple of reviews and they sent an email congratulating her brilliant writing skills and told her she has earned 100 points.  Huh?  They claim to have 315 million members and over 500 million reviews and opinions of hotels, restaurants, attractions and other travel related businesses.

 Is this kinda the selfie of travel review?  A few guys founded this site and sold the company in 2004.  They were part of Expedia at one time and now a spin off.  Today it is the world's largest travel site, with nearly 280 million unique monthly visitors.  Do you use it?  Do you review?  I really don't get it- maybe in time I will?  Who am I to write a legitimate review?  Wouldn't we call that an opinion?

Ok so what does Boca do with her 100points?

And what about YELP?  Do you use that one too??

Milan airport-Lactate- no Boca it's Linate (there are 3 in Milan)- the domestic/business airport built in 1930 and doesn't look like they've done much with the place since.  We get dropped off early so not to stress as Bubs sure does not want to miss the boat tomorrow.  So we head to the British Air Lounge.  Without doubt, this is the scummiest lounge we have ever been to- never mind they had no WC- "it's out in the main part of the airport Mrs. Boca".  Are ya joking?  No lieu?  And the food was even worse.  Has anyone from the British Air office ever been here?  Some of their employees are on strike right now.  I feel like striking too-like the top of the noggin of whoever is in charge of this dump.  Pleep swears the lettuce was petrified

Boca then poured herself a glass of  2 BUCK CHUCK (wine) and  got her sense of humor back by reading the crazy British newspapers...most of their papers make the National Enquirer look PULITZER PRIZE worthy.

Boca couldn't take sitting in the lounge anymore and headed to the duty free gift shop.  Are those places ever a bargain? Bub was in serous need of cologne so Boca bought him a fitting bottle.  It's you and Johnny Dep, Bubs.  That's Sauvage Bubs not SAVAGE- as he mumbled "those damn French don't know how to spell".

Grateful our flight went off without a hitch.  More of those half baked biz class seats- meaning you get to pay for no one to sit between Boca and Bubba.  Glad we handed over  the $550 per one way ticket for a 2 hour flight but as our oh so smart travel agent reminded us- if you don't take the biz class your OVER OVER OVER OVER  the limit luggage will cost more.  Roger that.

You know what really grinds my gears?  Arriving at London Heathrow-and waiting in the Fast Track  line for over an hour to go through the immigration line.  Glad we paid extra to do this.  Boca made a bet with Bubs that the regular line was going faster with 10x the amount of people.  And guess what?  Pay up Bubs!


The driver picking us was also a bit miffed with additional waiting.  Boca found one more British paper in the car to read- hey wait a minute this paper is from June 4th?  The driver replied, "Yes, I just noticed that this morning.  The guy I drove this morning took the new paper and replaced it with this one, sorry."  What?  Who in the heck carries a big fat Daily Mail newspaper for 6 weeks??  And why in the heck didn't ya just throw it out?  Geeesh.

The port is in South Hampton.  Bubs is looking forward to chillaxing and no more ruins and churches and heat! As our travel agent said, you are in need of a vacation from a vacation. But for the moment he is in the mood for "real" Fish and Chips, so a hunting we go.  Where's do the locals go for said Fish and Chips?  You know a Grub Pub?   Through the arch Mr. Bubba.

Pleeps can't get enough of boat fun.

Come on Pleep-theres the pub- The Duke of Wellington?  Yup.

Choices, Choices, Choices

And yet again he chooses Fosters- his very fav when in England.  Said he was Peroni'd out.

Pleep got a round of laughs when he wrote on the board...naughty monkey.

A bunch of Aussies here for a wedding and they take a liking to the Bubbmeister.  Birds of a feather?

And there it is....the curly cod and chips.  This is one happy camper.  Boca also ordered the same...no more of the cod for her.  How do we spell tasteless?  Bringing new definition to bland.  I think the mushy peas did it.

Wedding Update:
Alex sent over the bid for the wedding flowers.  After I picked Bubs up off the floor, he suggested that we consider something like this....


and may I quote him- "stop sending her pictures of these European Royalty weddings.  She's got enough of your DNA and doesn't need any more help!"

Pleep asked "didn't Pops get the memo?"...